Monday, January 31, 2011

Dilemma : knit a specific sweater with no pattern

size 50 needles , OMG
A girl I met threw a friend is a design/textile/fashion student at NCSU. One night she mentioned a meeting she had with her knitting instructor. I told her that I knit and the conversation went from there. To try to sum it up quickly, she enrolled in Charleston's fashion week. So she has to design a collection of 12 items. Two of which, are knitted. Keep in mind she has never even knit a single stitch. She told me she would pay me to make them for her. I agreed because I desperately need the money, I love knitting and maybe this can open some doors for me. I mean, heck it will be in Charleston Fashion Week.

We met at Helio's one day and she showed meeting the yarn she had. It came from the textile department and was basically two different colored cotton from bins that they had to spin together. Its beautiful, nice, thick and chuncky just like she needed. Problem, it pulls apart so easily you can barely pull on it. Meaning it was going to be hard to knit. Another great thing is that we are using size 50 needles. So with huge needles and thick chunky yarn, it should take no time to Knit.

WRONG!!!! She has no pattern, just a drawing of a woman wearing a chunky knitted sweater. So .... how do I know what to knit. Ahhh didn't realize that she just had an "idea" and the whole structure, composure, etc would be up to me. So she drew out a typical sleeve pattern. Now I have to figure out how many stitches to cast on to make it the width she desired. And which is the best method to use for decreasing on this garment, which is knit in stockinette stitch. The wrist starts out wide and continually gets skinner all the way up to the bicep, where I then have to figure out how to make this rounded off shoulder. Ahhh help. Oops don't pull too hard or the yarns gonna break. Okay, I'm going to work on this sleeve and equations of width and decreases some more.
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Funny AA Joke

Okay, so I heard this at a speaker meeting the other night. I wish I had had paper to write it down, because I know now I'll mess it up, like I do most jokes. Okay so here goes...

A man arrives in heaven, standing before a Patron Saint, anyways --- the man told him there had been a mistake, he didn't belong there (heaven). The saint said, oh no we make no mistakes, lets take a walk and see where you fit in (are most comfortable, wanna reside). So they walk down a hall and the saint opens the first door. Inside are people on their knees praying, crossing themselves (sign of the cross), the man asks, "who are they?". Those are the Catholics replied the Saint. "Oh no, I don't belong there." So they walk and open a second door, the room is filled with people standing facing forward praying. The man asks "Who are they?", "Those are the Protestants" replied the Saint. "Oh no!" So they proceeded to the third door. The Saint opens the door and laughter errupts, and the room is filled with smoke and the aroma of coffee. "And who are they?" Asks the man. "Well we just don't know, they wont tell us!" Replied the saint. "I think this is where I'll stay (belong)!" Says the man ^_^

HAHAHA ---- ie anonymity
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh Crap, I'm Starting To Like...

so i don't really like, well, much of anything. and the things that i do, i keep to myself.  i have no friends and sometimes i wish i did, but then i get really scared when i start to make them. and get close with them. and when i get scared, i run. Ive really been enjoying myself a lot lately, and I'm not sure what to do about it. life has been pretty depressing and tons of other words that i could use right now. i want to take pictures, it makes me happy, i wish i was modeling again, i wish i could get my hair colored and a dread perm (desperately needed), i wish i was in college studying and working on a career, i wish the man i love was here. i wish i didn't require so much attention. i wish i didn't care so much. i wish i had a street/road bike. i wish i had an income, i pray that i get a job soon. i wish i could offer my son more. i wish my back didn't hurt every single second of every day. i wish i didn't feel bad when people buy me food because i only eat once a week.  i wish i could get another tattoo, a piercing is also coming soon, i can honestly say if one of those two doesn't happen soon, i will be pulling out the razor. and by saying these things, being honest, people don't want to be my friend because they think that i am crazy. maybe i am, but i think I've come to accept it. yea i have some crazy tendencies, but i would never hurt another person unless threatened, i have the biggest caring heart, i love helping others when possible, I'm a hard work, i have a great sense of humor when people can pull it out of me. I'm terrified i will hurt someones feelings because I'm very blunt and think that we shouldn't hide things from others. okay, I'm gonna try to sleep now.