Thursday, March 17, 2011

This was written to me by a friend

I figure if I post it here, I'll never have to go searching for it through my inbox again lol. I hope to print it one day, because whether it is known or not, this touched me deep inside.  It gives me hope, makes me smile, and reminds me to keep going (when I sometimes forget) .....

Great things done by great people are not always seen as greatness by the world around them. This could be due to a number of different factors: looks, background, superficial nonsense, etc., but that does not take away from the level of greatness in their existence. Just because society does not see something, does that mean it does not exist? No, it does not. If you can do something in this life, and know that it was good for you, or what you had and or wanted to do, then it is just that. No one has to accept something for it to exist. If you can believe in what you do, then others will have no choice in the end but to accept whatever it is as great, and move on. The thing about greatness is it has no set size, characteristics, color or smell. It does not make a difference whether you are a single mom, struggling to get by, or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. You can be equal in importance in this life, as well as equal in your level of accomplishments.
You show me a mother who comes from a rough childhood, has a kid early on in life, and picks up the pieces of her mistakes and does what is best for her and her child; gives him a home, a good upbringing with positive morals; a kid who knows it is better to work for something than to steal; a kid who knows that it is ok that mommy has made a mistake or two in her life, and may have to pay for her them for a while, but still knows that does not change the way he loves her or she loves him, and you will show a much more successful and great person than any CEO in the world. She has managed to prove herself to be great through her child. Her offspring is an extension of herself; she has both created, and molded a human being that can grow up to pass along these positive morals and characteristics along to not only whatever children they may have, but also to other human beings they may come in contact with throughout their life.
So to you Nicole, I want you to know: I have learned a great deal from you of strength, will, determination, and courage. You have exhibited all of these attributes in the time I have known you. You have done great with your son, and with yourself as well. Thank you for providing a great set of morals for your son, and for those around you. You truly are an amazing human being, and I hope you grow to realize and believe in the greatness of you. I thank you for existing. :]

Written By : J.E.P.

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