Okay, so I figured out the right amount to cast on (made a note of it, for the other sleeve & for my first written pattern). I was going with a trial and error method but I haven't had a error yet (cross my fingers). I decreased at just the right places (my guessing turned out good). I used a combination of k2tog and ssk. In different ways/orders, sometimes not repeatedly. I layed out what I have so far on the sleeve pattern she cut for me. Issue, I've run out of yarn and I'm about two inches (4 rows) from the bicep line....still have to attempt to correctly and evenly decrease for round shoulder.
I texted the designer and told her I needed more yarn immediately. She said she had class the next day so she could get it to me Wednesday. I hope she gets it to me tomorrow because I still need to finish the sleeve (may be quite difficult) and still do the other sleeve. Not to mention the front and back of the sweater lol. And this is just garmet one lol.
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